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Delphi TChromium / DCEF3 - Constant Access Violations

I'm trying to use DCEF3 TChromium as a replacement for TWebbrowser component. I downloaded the packages and installed it on my IDE (Delphi 2007).

I'm testing the demo on demos\guiclient and when i try to open certain web pages, i get tons of Access Violation exceptions and my app crashes. If i'm inside Delphi, i get this exception before Delphi itself crashes :

'Assertion failure : 'item.src' in \win32scr\DBKIMPL.CPP' at line 2691'

One example of a page that has this problem is

One example of a page that opens correctly is

After a lot of testing i found out if i set TChromium.Options.Javascript to STATE_DISABLED, the app does not crash anymore. BUT it won't run the JS code of the page, so it's useless as the page itself won't load properly.

Any ideas would be very appreciated, this issue interests everyone who have apps using TWebbrowser and need urgent a replacement for it. Because TWebbrowser uses Internet Explorer and it has been discontinued, even if Microsoft keeps shipping MSHTML in future Windows versions, it won't follow future web standards and pages won't load correctly in the future. In fact, i'm already having this kind of issue in pages using most up-to-date web standards.


  • After days of struggle, i found out i was using the master branch and there is a newer branch (2454). After update the problem is fixed.

    The link for download is