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Visual Leak Detector Crash

I am using Visual Leak Detector to detect memory leaks in my program. When the program has finished running, I get an assertion triggered by the following code in utility.cpp. When Visual Leak Detector's header is excluded from the program, the program runs and exits without incident.

// Get the *real* address of the import. If we find this address in the IAT,
// then we've found that the module does import the named import.
import = GetProcAddress(exportmodule, importname);
assert(import != NULL); // Perhaps the named export module does not actually export the named import?

I am not sure why the assert is being triggered. Does anybody have an idea in what scenarios the assertion can be triggered?



  • I am using ogre3d + vld and I get same issue! I debugged the error code with GetLastError(): ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND, error 127: The specified procedure could not be found.

    The good thing is, that it works(tested with "new char[20]") if you comment out that assertation and recompile, but if you forget to call "delete Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr();" it wont be detected :(

    Edit: To report assertations to the debug console you can use this:

            // Get the *real* address of the import.
        import = GetProcAddress(exportmodule, importname);
        if(import == NULL){
            DWORD err=GetLastError(); 
            WCHAR buff[2048];
            wcsncpy_s(buff, 2048, L"\n============================================\nImport name: ", _TRUNCATE);
            int i=wcslen(buff);
            int n=0;
            //cast to unicode
            wcsncat_s(buff, 2048, L"\nExport module: ", _TRUNCATE);
            wcsncat_s(buff, 2048, L"\nError code: ", _TRUNCATE);
            wcsncat_s(buff, 2048, L"\n============================================\n", _TRUNCATE);
        //assert(import != NULL); // Perhaps the named export module does not actually export the named import?

    Result will be:

    Import name: CoGetMalloc
    Export module: C:\data\projects\Avenon\trunk\source\..\build\Avenon_d.exe
    Error code: 127
    Import name: CoTaskMemAlloc
    Export module: C:\data\projects\Avenon\trunk\source\..\build\Avenon_d.exe
    Error code: 127
    Import name: CoTaskMemRealloc
    Export module: C:\data\projects\Avenon\trunk\source\..\build\Avenon_d.exe
    Error code: 127