I have an endpoint from which I am calling webapp post url
Here is endpoint
userId = '14'
data = {"userId" :userId,"a":"s"}
encodedData = urllib.urlencode(data)
result = urlfetch.fetch(url=DELETE_CHANNEL_URL,payload=encodedData,follow_redirects=False,deadline=30,method=urlfetch.POST,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
and I am getting this in webapp like
class DeleteChannel(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
logging.info("Delete channel")
parameters = ast.literal_eval(self.request.body)
userId = str(parameters["userId"])
logging.info('userId' + userId)
but this is showing error
File "/base/data/home/apps/s~dimension-dev-endpoint/1.389460063849645110/Channel.py", line 34, in post
parameters = ast.literal_eval(self.request.body)
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/ast.py", line 49, in literal_eval
node_or_string = parse(node_or_string, mode='eval')
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/ast.py", line 37, in parse
return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)
File "<unknown>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
what is the issue?
I tried following code the get the userId from paramters and this is working for me
userId = self.request.get("userId", default_value='')