Search code examples

Cannot conduct multiple queries based on values within array?

Simply put, I want my user to be able to enter in a variety of SKUs and UPCs (comma delimited) in a search field in which I produce an array of search values and conduct an iterative process to return results/logic for each value (ie. 1 UPC can represent 3 SKUs, I would return the cheapest SKU for the UPC product searched).

  • Products with UPCs are found from Product.js.
  • Products with SKUs are found from vendorProduct.js.

An example of what I am trying to do:

// Search Array: UPC, SKU, SKU respectively.
var searchParams = ['342421111', '77HE2', 'U7IA2'];

// Declare var to hold search results.
var searchResults = {};

// For each value in array, get me results to work with.
for(i=0; i < searchParams.length; i++ ) {

    Product.find({"UPC": searchParams[i]}).exec(function (err, results){
        if(results.length >= 1) {
            data[searchParams[i]] = results;
        } else {
            vendorProduct.find({"SKU": searchParams[i]}).exec(function (err, results){
                if(results.length >= 1) {
                    data[searchParams[i]] = results;
                } else {
                    data[searchParams[i]] = "No results.";                    


// This should return something like the below:

    '342421111': [results inside],
    '77HE2': [results inside],
    'U7IA2': [results inside]

I have looked into options like lodash and async.js but I am not sure it solves what I am looking to do.

I am hopeful that one of you magical wizards can help me out!


  • Take a look at

    Usage would be something along the lines of...

    var searchParams = ['342421111', '77HE2', 'U7IA2'];, function(param, next) {
        Product.find({ UPC: param }).exec(function(err, results) {
            if (err) return next(err);
            if (results.length) return next(null, results);
            vendorProduct.find({ SKU: param }).exec(function(err, results) {
                if (err) return next(err);
                if (results.length) return next(null, results);
                next(null, 'No results');
    }, function(err, searchResults) {
        if (err) {
            // handle the error