So, i wrote this to monitor a folder for new pictures and print any that are found. It works, but I am assuming there is a more robust/efficient way to tackle this problem as I want it to run for 5-6 hours at a time.
My main problem is that I don't like using "open" while loops like this....
Would anyone tackle this differently? If so, would anyone be willing to explain?
import os
import glob
import win32com.client
import time
from pywinauto.findwindows import find_window
from pywinauto.win32functions import SetForegroundWindow
printed = []
i = 10
while i < 1000000000000000:
files = glob.glob("C://Users//pictures/*.jpg")
for filename in files:
print filename
if printed.index(str(filename)) >= 0:
print printed.index(filename)
print "Image found"
except ValueError:
os.startfile(filename, "print")
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
SetForegroundWindow(find_window(title='Print Pictures'))
shell.AppActivate("Print Pictures")
i = i + 1
Big thanks to scope for his comment, i have added my printing lines to the example and it works well. Code posted below for anyone who wants it, commented code is in the link code posted. Now to tidy up a few other things....
import os
import win32file
import win32event
import win
import glob
import win32com.client
import time
from pywinauto.findwindows import find_window
from pywinauto.win32functions import SetForegroundWindow
def print_photo(filename):
print filename
filename = path_to_watch +"\\" + filename[0]
os.startfile(filename, "print")
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
SetForegroundWindow(find_window(title='Print Pictures'))
shell.AppActivate("Print Pictures")
path_to_watch = os.path.abspath ("C:\\Users\\Ciaran\\Desktop\\")
change_handle = win32file.FindFirstChangeNotification (
old_path_contents = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)])
while 1:
result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject (change_handle, 500)
if result == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
new_path_contents = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)])
added = [f for f in new_path_contents if not f in old_path_contents]
deleted = [f for f in old_path_contents if not f in new_path_contents]
if added: print "Added: ", ", ".join (added)
if deleted: print "Deleted: ", ", ".join (deleted)
old_path_contents = new_path_contents
win32file.FindNextChangeNotification (change_handle)
win32file.FindCloseChangeNotification (change_handle)