I receive a denormalized text file that must be loaded into a normalized table.
Denormalized table:
CustomerID -- Category -- Category2 -- Category3 -- Category4
1 -- A -- B -- C -- D
When this is normalized, it should look like:
CustomerID -- Category
1 -- A
1 -- B
1 -- C
1 -- D
What is the best way to write a T-SQL statement to achieve this (SQL Server 2008)?
keyword: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177410.aspx
Naturally you'll want to replace [File] with some sort of OpenRowSet query or use the import/export wizard to get the data into a temp table.
SELECT CustomerId, Category
SELECT CustomerId, Category, Category2, Category3, Category4
FROM [File]
) tblDenormalized
Category FOR Column IN
(Category, Category2, Category3, Category4)
) AS unpivot;