I have a webservice that allows me to get search results:
Possible parameters to use are: name, location and age They can be used in any order and combination (they are optional) and are case insensitive (parameters and values)
http://url/api/search/?aGe=15&NaME=jOE THomaS&LOCatioN=BElgIUm
I have no idea how to setup my $resource correctly to get this working. Obviously, all the possibilities are GET methods.
You can just call it directly since they're query params.
angular.module('app').factory('MyService', ['$resource', '$window',function ($resource, $window) {
'use strict';
return $resource('http://url/api/search/');
Then call it like this
$scope.result = MyService.get({age: 'foo', location: 'bar'},
function success() {// success handler here},
function fail(resp) {// failure handler here});