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Spark Button trapping keydown (spaceBar) event

Update: Apparently this is part of the accessibility scheme of Flex Spark Components

Button control Press the Spacebar to activate the Button control. To cancel activating a button, press the Tab key to move the focus off the Button control before releasing the Spacebar.

I guess it can be turned off through compiler directives: Accessibility best practices

Question: Is there any reason a Spark Button would trap key events, in particular a "spacebar" key event?

Background: I've inherited and am maintaining a large legacy project done in Flex 4.6. I am seeing a weird behavior with a Spark Button. Essentially, once the button has been clicked on (i.e. given focus) a keyEvent (spaceBar) will trigger the click event handler attached to the button.

Weird, right?

The button is defined in MXML (below) within an MX:Module. The module has key event listeners attached to the stage but the event handlers for those do nothing with the button:

this.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, echoKeyDownHandler);
this.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, echoKeyUpHandler);

If I put a trace statement in the button's event handler to check the event type when this weird behavior occurs, the type is reported as a click. I don't see anything in the docs for the Spark Button about capturing key events like this.

   <s:Button id="toggleBtn"
      x="943" y="8"/>


  • This is quite normal with Flex. You should also be able to navigate through the interactive elements by using the <tab> key. <space> usually acts like a click. You could try to avoid this by either

    a) set the focus to another object after pressing the button


    b) by checking the keyboardPressed property.

    Both is a bit hacky imho. I am not sure if it is possible to turn of keyboard navigation completely in Flex.

    [edit 1] I am just thinking if it wouldn't help to simply overwrite the default keyboard handler like this:

    override protected function keyDownHandler(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {}

    this is inherited by UIComponent. and you would need to create an own component extending s:Button. A little drawback...

    [edit 2] I wasn't able to stop thinking about that, even I stopped using Flex 2-3 years ago. So I googled a bit and found this stack overflow post: How to disable default browser navigation with Space in Flex