I am trying to upload some data to Dydra from a Sesame triplestore I have on my computer. While the download from Sesame works fine, the triples get mixed up (the s-p-o relationships change as the object of one becomes object of another). Can someone please explain why this is happening and how it can be resolved? The code is below:
#Querying the triplestore to retrieve all results
sesameSparqlEndpoint = 'http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/rep_name'
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(sesameSparqlEndpoint)
queryStringDownload = 'SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}'
dataGraph = Graph()
sparql.method = 'GET'
output = sparql.query().convert()
print output
for i in range(len(output['results']['bindings'])):
#The encoding is necessary to parse non-English characters
subject_extract = output['results']['bindings'][i]['s']['value']
if 'http' in subject_extract:
subject = "<" + subject_extract + ">"
subject_url = URIRef(subject)
print subject_url
predicate_extract = output['results']['bindings'][i]['p']['value']
if 'http' in predicate_extract:
predicate = "<" + predicate_extract + ">"
predicate_url = URIRef(predicate)
print predicate_url
objec_extract = output['results']['bindings'][i]['o']['value']
if 'http' in objec_extract:
objec = "<" + objec_extract + ">"
objec_url = URIRef(objec)
print objec_url
objec = objec_extract
objec_wip = '"' + objec + '"'
objec_url = URIRef(objec_wip)
# Loading the data on a graph
except UnicodeError as error:
print error
#Print all statements in dataGraph
for stmt in dataGraph:
# Upload to Dydra
URL = 'http://dydra.com/login'
key = 'my_key'
with requests.Session() as s:
resp = s.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text,"html5lib")
csrfToken = soup.find('meta',{'name':'csrf-token'}).get('content')
# print csrf_token
payload = {
# print payload
p = s.post(URL,data=payload, headers=dict(Referer=URL))
# print p.text
r = s.get('http://dydra.com/username/rep_name/sparql')
# print r.text
dydraSparqlEndpoint = 'http://dydra.com/username/rep_name/sparql'
for stmt in dataGraph:
queryStringUpload = 'INSERT DATA {%s %s %s}' % stmt
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(dydraSparqlEndpoint)
sparql.method = 'POST'
A far simpler way to copy your data over (apart from using a CONSTRUCT query instead of a SELECT, like I mentioned in the comment) is simply to have Dydra itself directly access your Sesame endpoint, for example via a SERVICE-clause.
Execute the following on your Dydra database, and (after some time, depending on how large your Sesame database is), everything will be copied over:
INSERT { ?s ?p ?o }
SERVICE <http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/rep_name>
{ ?s ?p ?o }
If the above doesn't work on Dydra, you can alternatively just directly access the RDF statements from your Sesame store by using the URI http://my.ip.ad.here:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/rep_name/statements
. Assuming Dydra has an upload-feature where you can provide the URL of an RDF document, you can simply provide it the above URI and it should be able to load it.