I'm working on university project that consists in audio speaker with bluetooth connected to mobile application.
I search a lot possibilities and bluetooth modules that comply my needs, but I have not found any module. I need a Bluetooth module that can receive audio and work in iOS and Android, but I see that a lot of modules with Classic Bluetooth (lowe than 3.0) do not work with iOS, but 3.0 and 4.0 version works with both but are not oriented in audio.
I'm looking for if someone can help me finding one kit with audio receive bluetooth for all plataforms intended for speaker and cheap. Or separately one bluetooth module receiver with 3.0 or upper version (because works in iOS), intended for audio streaming to an speaker, and with some UART pins (tx/rx for example) that can simplify the connection with a microcontroller. And one basic microcontroller oriented to bluetooth receives (with some bluetooth libraries) or simply to program with upp-level language. This microcontroller just receive the audio (bits) and send it to the speaker.
I read too that Smart Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy works on iOS, but can't send audio, have small rate, but i think Smart Ready Bluetooth its possible, but not sure, I have just seen that supports Classic Bluetooth (oriented to audio) and Bluetooth Low Energy, it's possible sens audio with it?
In short, I'm looking for one module Bluetooth 3.o or 4.0 + EDR (that can send audio) for iOS and Android. I find HC05, CC2506X, or HC06 module, but I have read not works in iOS. And a basic microcontroller simply to program to receive this bluetooth audio to send in a speaker.
If someone know one basic kit, or useful information for me I would appreciate. Thanks.
There is a bluetooth module BC127. it is available at Sparkfun. It dual mode. Means It can work as source and sink both.
Source means, It can Transmit Audio Sink means, It can receive Audio
Here is link for https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/understanding-the-bc127-bluetooth-module