It's code from a curses tutorial that I've been using to get a grasp of it but even though I've checked the code multiple times, it's still not removing the old cells. The guy that wrote the code is on a mac and I'm using linux so would that be a problem?
import curses
import time
import random
screen = curses.initscr()
dims = screen.getmaxyx()
def game():
head = [1, 1]
body = [head[:]]*5
direction = 0 # 0:right, 1:down, 2:left, 3:up
gameover = False
while not gameover:
deadcell = body[-1][:]
if deadcell not in body:
screen.addch(deadcell[0], deadcell[1], ' ')
screen.addch(head[0], head[1], 'X')
if direction == 0:
head[1] += 1
elif direction == 2:
head[1] -= 1
elif direction == 1:
head[0] += 1
elif direction == 3:
head[0] -= 1
deadcell = body[-1][:]
for z in range(len(body)-1, 0, -1):
body[z] = body[z-1][:]
body[0] = head[:]
if screen.inch(head[0], head[1]) != ord(' '):
gameover = True
screen.move(dims[0]-1, dims[1]-1)
The problem seems to be near the lines:
while not gameover:
deadcell = body[-1][:]
if deadcell not in body:
screen.addch(deadcell[0], deadcell[1], ' ')
is always going to be in body
, so no cells will ever get cleared.
Try this instead:
deadcell = body[-1][:]
while not gameover:
if deadcell not in body:
screen.addch(deadcell[0], deadcell[1], ' ')