I want to be able to see how the summary of survfit
calculates its confidence intervals. Is there a way that I can ask R to show me how it calculated these to show me the formula?
Thanks :)
You can find the source code like this. First look at survfit
> getAnywhere("survfit")
A single object matching ‘survfit’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value
function (formula, ...)
UseMethod("survfit", formula)
<bytecode: 0x000000000edccc88>
<environment: namespace:survival>
This tells us we have to look at survfit.formula
, which is what that UseMethod
call is saying. So we do that and we get a lot of code:
> getAnywhere("survfit.formula")
A single object matching ‘survfit.formula’ was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for survfit from namespace survival
with value
function (formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, etype, id,
istate, ...)
Call <- match.call()
Call[[1]] <- as.name("survfit")
mfnames <- c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action",
"istate", "id", "etype")
temp <- Call[c(1, match(mfnames, names(Call), nomatch = 0))]
temp[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
if (is.R())
m <- eval.parent(temp)
else m <- eval(temp, sys.parent())
Terms <- terms(formula, c("strata", "cluster"))
ord <- attr(Terms, "order")
if (length(ord) & any(ord != 1))
stop("Interaction terms are not valid for this function")
n <- nrow(m)
Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
if (!is.Surv(Y))
stop("Response must be a survival object")
casewt <- model.extract(m, "weights")
if (is.null(casewt))
casewt <- rep(1, n)
if (!is.null(attr(Terms, "offset")))
warning("Offset term ignored")
id <- model.extract(m, "id")
istate <- model.extract(m, "istate")
temp <- untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
if (length(temp$vars) > 0) {
if (length(temp$vars) > 1)
stop("can not have two cluster terms")
if (!is.null(id))
stop("can not have both a cluster term and an id variable")
id <- m[[temp$vars]]
Terms <- Terms[-temp$terms]
ll <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
if (length(ll) == 0)
X <- factor(rep(1, n))
else X <- strata(m[ll])
if (!is.Surv(Y))
stop("y must be a Surv object")
etype <- model.extract(m, "etype")
if (!is.null(etype)) {
if (attr(Y, "type") == "mcounting" || attr(Y, "type") ==
stop("cannot use both the etype argument and mstate survival type")
if (length(istate))
stop("cannot use both the etype and istate arguments")
status <- Y[, ncol(Y)]
etype <- as.factor(etype)
temp <- table(etype, status == 0)
if (all(rowSums(temp == 0) == 1)) {
newlev <- levels(etype)[order(-temp[, 2])]
else newlev <- c(" ", levels(etype)[temp[, 1] > 0])
status <- factor(ifelse(status == 0, 0, as.numeric(etype)),
labels = newlev)
if (attr(Y, "type") == "right")
Y <- Surv(Y[, 1], status, type = "mstate")
else if (attr(Y, "type") == "counting")
Y <- Surv(Y[, 1], Y[, 2], status, type = "mstate")
else stop("etype argument incompatable with survival type")
if (attr(Y, "type") == "left" || attr(Y, "type") == "interval")
temp <- survfitTurnbull(X, Y, casewt, ...)
else if (attr(Y, "type") == "right" || attr(Y, "type") ==
temp <- survfitKM(X, Y, casewt, ...)
else if (attr(Y, "type") == "mright" || attr(Y, "type") ==
temp <- survfitCI(X, Y, weights = casewt, id = id, istate = istate,
else {
stop("unrecognized survival type")
if (is.null(temp$states))
class(temp) <- "survfit"
else class(temp) <- c("survfitms", "survfit")
if (!is.null(attr(m, "na.action")))
temp$na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
temp$call <- Call
<bytecode: 0x000000003f6a8c28>
<environment: namespace:survival>
We scan this and eventually notice a call to survfitCI
close to the end. Sounds like what we are looking for. So once again into the breech:
> getAnywhere("survfitCI")
A single object matching ‘survfitCI’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value
function (X, Y, weights, id, istate, type = c("kaplan-meier",
"fleming-harrington", "fh2"), se.fit = TRUE, conf.int = 0.95,
conf.type = c("log", "log-log", "plain", "none"), conf.lower = c("usual",
"peto", "modified"))
method <- match.arg(type)
conf.type <- match.arg(conf.type)
conf.lower <- match.arg(conf.lower)
if (is.logical(conf.int)) {
if (!conf.int)
conf.type <- "none"
conf.int <- 0.95
type <- attr(Y, "type")
if (type != "mright" && type != "mcounting" && type != "right" &&
type != "counting")
stop(paste("Cumulative incidence computation doesn't support \"",
type, "\" survival data", sep = ""))
n <- nrow(Y)
status <- Y[, ncol(Y)]
ncurve <- length(levels(X))
state.names <- attr(Y, "states")
if (missing(istate) || is.null(istate))
istate <- rep(0L, n)
else if (is.factor(istate) || is.character(istate)) {
temp <- as.factor(istate)
appear <- (levels(istate))[unique(as.numeric(istate))]
state.names <- unique(c(attr(Y, "states"), appear))
istate <- as.numeric(factor(as.character(istate), levels = state.names))
else if (!is.numeric(istate) || any(istate != floor(istate)))
stop("istate should be a vector of integers or a factor")
if (length(id) == 0)
id <- 1:n
if (length(istate) == 1)
istate <- rep(istate, n)
if (length(istate) != n)
stop("wrong length for istate")
states <- sort(unique(c(istate, 1:length(attr(Y, "states")))))
docurve2 <- function(entry, etime, status, istate, wt, states,
id, se.fit) {
ftime <- factor(c(entry, etime))
ltime <- levels(ftime)
ftime <- matrix(as.integer(ftime), ncol = 2)
timeset <- as.numeric(ltime[sort(unique(ftime[, 2]))])
nstate <- length(states)
uid <- sort(unique(id))
P <- as.vector(tapply(wt, factor(istate, levels = states),
P <- ifelse(is.na(P), 0, P)
cstate <- istate[match(uid, id)]
storage.mode(wt) <- "double"
storage.mode(cstate) <- "integer"
storage.mode(status) <- "integer"
fit <- .Call(Csurvfitci, ftime, order(ftime[, 1]) - 1L,
order(ftime[, 2]) - 1L, length(timeset), status,
cstate - 1L, wt, match(id, uid) - 1L, P, as.integer(se.fit))
prev0 <- table(factor(cstate, levels = states), exclude = NA)/length(cstate)
if (se.fit)
list(time = timeset, pmat = t(fit$p), std = sqrt(t(fit$var)),
n.risk = colSums(fit$nrisk), n.event = fit$nevent,
n.censor = fit$ncensor, prev0 = prev0, cumhaz = array(fit$cumhaz,
dim = c(nstate, nstate, length(timeset))))
else list(time = timeset, pmat = t(fit$p), n.risk = colSums(fit$nrisk),
n.event = fit$nevent, n.censor = fit$ncensor, prev0 = prev0,
cumhaz = array(fit$cumhaz, dim = c(nstate, nstate,
if (any(states == 0)) {
state0 <- TRUE
states <- states + 1
istate <- istate + 1
status <- ifelse(status == 0, 0, status + 1)
else state0 <- FALSE
curves <- vector("list", ncurve)
names(curves) <- levels(X)
if (ncol(Y) == 2) {
indx <- which(status == istate & status != 0)
if (length(indx)) {
warning("an observation transitions to it's starting state, transition ignored")
status[indx] <- 0
if (length(id) && any(duplicated(id)))
stop("Cannot have duplicate id values with (time, status) data")
entry <- rep(min(-1, 2 * min(Y[, 1]) - 1), n)
for (i in levels(X)) {
indx <- which(X == i)
curves[[i]] <- docurve2(entry[indx], Y[indx, 1],
status[indx], istate[indx], weights[indx], states,
id[indx], se.fit)
else {
if (missing(id) || is.null(id))
stop("the id argument is required for start:stop data")
indx <- order(id, Y[, 2])
indx1 <- c(NA, indx)
indx2 <- c(indx, NA)
same <- (id[indx1] == id[indx2] & !is.na(indx1) & !is.na(indx2))
if (any(same & X[indx1] != X[indx2])) {
who <- 1 + min(which(same & X[indx1] != X[indx2]))
stop("subject is in two different groups, id ", (id[indx1])[who])
if (any(same & Y[indx1, 2] != Y[indx2, 1])) {
who <- 1 + min(which(same & Y[indx1, 2] != Y[indx2,
stop("gap in follow-up, id ", (id[indx1])[who])
if (any(Y[, 1] == Y[, 2]))
stop("cannot have start time == stop time")
if (any(same & Y[indx1, 3] == Y[indx2, 3] & Y[indx1,
3] != 0)) {
who <- 1 + min(which(same & Y[indx1, 1] != Y[indx2,
warning("subject changes to the same state, id ",
if (any(same & weights[indx1] != weights[indx2])) {
who <- 1 + min(which(same & weights[indx1] != weights[indx2]))
stop("subject changes case weights, id ", (id[indx1])[who])
indx <- order(Y[, 2])
uid <- unique(id)
temp <- (istate[indx])[match(uid, id[indx])]
istate <- temp[match(id, uid)]
for (i in levels(X)) {
indx <- which(X == i)
curves[[i]] <- docurve2(Y[indx, 1], Y[indx, 2], status[indx],
istate[indx], weights[indx], states, id[indx],
grabit <- function(clist, element) {
temp <- (clist[[1]][[element]])
if (is.matrix(temp)) {
nc <- ncol(temp)
matrix(unlist(lapply(clist, function(x) t(x[[element]]))),
byrow = T, ncol = nc)
else {
xx <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(clist, function(x) x[element])))
if (class(temp) == "table")
matrix(xx, byrow = T, ncol = length(temp))
else xx
kfit <- list(n = as.vector(table(X)), time = grabit(curves,
"time"), n.risk = grabit(curves, "n.risk"), n.event = grabit(curves,
"n.event"), n.censor = grabit(curves, "n.censor"), prev = grabit(curves,
"pmat"), prev0 = grabit(curves, "prev0"))
nstate <- length(states)
kfit$cumhaz <- array(unlist(lapply(curves, function(x) x$cumhaz)),
dim = c(nstate, nstate, length(kfit$time)))
if (length(curves) > 1)
kfit$strata <- unlist(lapply(curves, function(x) length(x$time)))
if (se.fit)
kfit$std.err <- grabit(curves, "std")
if (state0) {
kfit$prev <- kfit$prev[, -1]
if (se.fit)
kfit$std.err <- kfit$std.err[, -1]
kfit$prev0 <- kfit$prev0[, -1]
if (se.fit) {
std.err <- kfit$std.err
zval <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf.int)/2, 0, 1)
surv <- 1 - kfit$prev
if (conf.type == "plain") {
temp <- zval * std.err
kfit <- c(kfit, list(lower = pmax(kfit$prev - temp,
0), upper = pmin(kfit$prev + temp, 1), conf.type = "plain",
conf.int = conf.int))
if (conf.type == "log") {
xx <- ifelse(kfit$prev == 1, 1, 1 - kfit$prev)
temp1 <- ifelse(surv == 0, NA, exp(log(xx) + zval *
temp2 <- ifelse(surv == 0, NA, exp(log(xx) - zval *
kfit <- c(kfit, list(lower = pmax(1 - temp1, 0),
upper = 1 - temp2, conf.type = "log", conf.int = conf.int))
if (conf.type == "log-log") {
who <- (surv == 0 | surv == 1)
temp3 <- ifelse(surv == 0, NA, 1)
xx <- ifelse(who, 0.1, kfit$surv)
temp1 <- exp(-exp(log(-log(xx)) + zval * std.err/(xx *
temp1 <- ifelse(who, temp3, temp1)
temp2 <- exp(-exp(log(-log(xx)) - zval * std.err/(xx *
temp2 <- ifelse(who, temp3, temp2)
kfit <- c(kfit, list(lower = 1 - temp1, upper = 1 -
temp2, conf.type = "log-log", conf.int = conf.int))
kfit$states <- state.names
kfit$type <- attr(Y, "type")
<bytecode: 0x000000002ce81838>
<environment: namespace:survival>
Somewhere in there is your answer.