I'm trying to get a user from a pointer which is pointing to that user from a different table ( the table is called Parental ) but I can not get the full user only objectId , this is my code:
PFUser *usuario = [PFUser currentUser];
self.listausuarios = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Parental"];
[query includeKey:@"Users"];
[query whereKey:@"supervisado" equalTo:usuario];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
PFObject *parentalCompleto;
if (!error) {
NSUInteger contador = 0;
for (parentalCompleto in objects) {
PFUser *contacto = [parentalCompleto objectForKey:@"supervisor"];
NSLog(@"User from query: %@", parentalCompleto[@"supervisor"]);
NSLog(@"User from query 2: %@", contacto);
NSLog(@"Current User: %@", usuario);
[self.listausuarios insertObject:contacto atIndex:contador];
contador = contador + 1;
[self.tableView reloadData];
This is the Parse database:
And this is the console output:
Why I can not get user data with " objectId : ZYcjtEEDjt "?
From first glance, it might be because you are including the key Users
, which is not a column in your table. If you want the full object for supervisor
or supervisado
then you need to include those keys.
[query includeKey:@"supervisor"];
[query includeKey:@"supervisado"];
Only include the ones you need.
P.S. Reload your tableView
on the main thread.