We recently built a demo application utilizing Kurento Media Server to record applicant video interview, but the audio quality is not well , some audio is not recognizable and some of it had high pitch noise. We've been test it on several models of PC or Mac, so this should not be device problem.
We've been using RecorderEndpoint with media profile MediaProfileSpecType.WEBM ,and all other setting remain as default.
To fix this problem, we tried:
None of it is working so far, so please tell us where to look.
Please check with this recording tutorial. The audio should be fine. Just make sure you are only sending audio, and not video. That should help.
If the audio is not being recorded correctly, I would try and hear what's coming out of your box through your browser. Try and run the hello-world tutorial, with a pair of headphones connected to your box so you don't have echoes.
About #2, if you want to raise the bitrate exchanged between the webrtc endpoint and the recorder, you need to invoke the setOutputBitrate
command on the webrtc endpoint.