I have a wordpress install running woocommerce subscriptions and memberships that's been working fine for weeks, and now all of a sudden I'm receiving the following error message:
'fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate' in... .../wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-subscriptions/includes/gateways/paypal/includes/abstracts/abstract-wcs-sv-api-base.php on line 154'
This message is in the admin area at the following location: wordpress admin > woocommerce > settings > checkout
It's also present on the front-end when trying to view a single product page.
i've tried disabling all plugins to determine any possible conflicts and the route of the issue, only to determine that the issue persists only when the Woocommerce Subscriptions plugin is active.
UPDATE: After speaking with Woothemes support I can confirm that this issue is the consequence of a bug in the Wordpress 4.4 installation.They provided me with an updated ca-bundle.crt file which I placed in wp-includes/certificates and all is now working again.I suggest that any other users of wocommerce subscriptions with this issue put in a support ticket to Woothemes outlining this issue and request an updated ca-bundle.crt file until this is fixed in a new Wordpress update.