My apologies for the crappy headline. If I were able to frame my problem properly I would have used google ;)
I found an piece of python code able to parse ini files into a python dict called "store":
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
def read(file, store):
def parse_maybe(section):
if not confp.has_section(section):
return False
if (section == "Main"):
for left, right in confp.items(section):
store[left] = right.format(**store)
return True
confp = SafeConfigParser()
store = {}
store["basedir"] = "/path/to/somewhere"
read("foo.ini", store)
The ini files may include declarations with placeholders, for instance:
output = {basedir}/somename.txt
When running the code, {basedir} gets replaced by "/path/to/somewhere" already defined in store. I guess this magic comes from this line of code:
store[left] = right.format(**store)
I understand what the code does. But I do not understand how this works. What is this ** operator doing with the dictionary? A pointer to a tutorial, etc. would be highly appreciated.
The answer to my question is twofold:
1) I did not know that this is possible with format:
print "{a} is {b}".format(a="Python", b="great")
Python is great
2) Essentially the ** Operator unpacks a dictionary:
dict = {"a": "Python", "b": "great"}
print "{a} is {b}".format(**dict)
Python is great