How do i clear the cache of my patterned url (dynamic url)?
Like, /assets/js/@jsname.js
I don't want to wait until the cache expired, i want to it, immediately after i updated things on my database.
They said that to clear the database, you need to specify the key for it. And i don't know what should i enter for the key :(
Here's my code:
\F3::route("GET @virtualasset: /assets/img/@link/@size.@id.@type", "Control\\Imager->akses", 3600 * 24 * 7); // cache seminggu :3
HTTP responses are cached using the following key: hash(VERB URI).url
So if you want to refresh assets/js/foo.js
, you'll have to do:
$hash=$f3->hash('GET /assets/js/foo.js');
But that's a bit of a hack since this key is not documented and may change in the future.
Also you need to remember that the route $ttl
parameter not only triggers server cache but also client cache. Which means that you need to implement a cache buster to refresh the client cache. Something like assets/js/foo.js?v=3
You may consider implementing cache directly in your controller class. That would give you more flexibility.