Search code examples

Distinct SQL is not working with UNNEST and ARRAY

I have database called Data like following :

ID | Name | Weakness1 | Weakness2 | Weakness3
 1 |  A   |    W1     |     W2    |    Null
 2 |  B   |    NULL   |     W2    |    W3
 3 |  C   |    W1     |     NULL  |    NULL
 4 |  A   |    W1     |     W2    |    W3
 5 |  A   |    W1     |     NULL  |    NULL

and I like to query so it can be displayed like :

 Name |    Weakness     | Frequency
  A   |   W1            |   3
  A   |   W2            |   2
  A   |   W3            |   1

Notice that same name can have different ID. So far I tried the code :

 Select DISTINCT Name, 
 UNNEST(ARRAY[weakness1,weakness2,weakness3] as Weakness,
 from data 
 where agentname like '%A%'
 GROUP by agentname,weakness1,weakness2,weakness3

I got a NULL row also displayed. COUNT(Weakness1)>0 is not allowed after 'where' and I got the weaknesses are redundant, though I already added 'DISTINCT'

so it display like :

 Name |    Weakness     | Frequency
  A   |   W1            |   1
  A   |                 |   0
  A   |   W3            |   1
  A   |   W1            |   2
  A   |   W2            |   1
  A   |   W2            |   1

Something wrong here? Thank you


  • Could you try something like this?

    with data as (
      select name, weakness1 as weakness from tablename
      union all
      select name, weakness2 as weakness from tablename
      union all
      select name, weakness3 as weakness from tablename
    select name, weakness, count(*)
    from data
    where name like '%A%' and weakness is not null
    group by name, weakness


    | name | weakness | count |
    |    A |       W1 |     3 |
    |    A |       W3 |     1 |
    |    A |       W2 |     2 |


    Alternate method:

    select name, weakness, count(*) from (
      select name, unnest(array[weakness1, weakness2, weakness3]) as weakness
      from tablename
    ) t
    where name like '%A%' and weakness is not null
    group by name, weakness;
