I've used xlrd to import excel file. There are no tutorials on how to populate these data into QTableWidget. Code for importing excel:
import xlrd
book = xlrd.open_workbook('bioreactorfinal.xlsx')
sheet = book.sheets() [1]
data = [[sheet.cell_value(r,c) for c in range (sheet.ncols)]for r in range(sheet.nrows)]
Code for QTableWidget
for row, columnvalues in enumerate(data):
for column, value in enumerate(columnvalues):
item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(value)
self.tableWidget.setItem(row, column, item)
In order to populate it into a QTableWidget, you need to separate it into a few steps:
How you read the headers depends somewhat on your expectations, if you make no assumptions about the input data, then you will have no headers.
Here, I will assume the headers are on the first row. Starting off where you leave the data, here is how to fill the QTableWidget from the data:
from PySide import QtGui
data = [[sheet.cell_value(r,c) for c in range (sheet.ncols)] for r in range(sheet.nrows)]
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
mytable = QtGui.QTableWidget()
# skip these lines if you don't have headers
headers = data[0]
data = data[1:]
# stop skipping lines
for row, columnvalues in enumerate(data):
for column, value in enumerate(columnvalues):
item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(value)
mytable.setItem(row, column, item)
This is just an extremely basic template, but a general idea on how to convert an Excel worksheet to a QTableWidget. You can then embed this into a QMainWindow or QDialog.
A few things to be cautious for: