I have the following Upstart script. When I run the following command service worker-1 start
, everything works perfect. I can see running workers with ps aux | grep php
. I can also use service worker-1 stop
which I need to restart/update workers. But unfortunately this script works only partially on reboot. The script is executed (start: Job is already running: worker-1 when I try service worker-1 start
) but I do not see any running workers with ps aux | grep php
and of course service worker-1 stop
returns stop: Unknown instance:
. Do you have any idea what can be wrong?
description "Starts/kills workers."
author "Jiri Mihal"
start on (started php5-fpm and started mysql)
stop on shutdown
pre-start script
echo "[`date`] Workers started" >> /var/log/worker-1.log
exec 2>>/var/log/worker-1.log
end script
post-start script
echo $$ > /var/run/worker-1.pid
for i in `seq 1 5`;
exec php /home/jiri/workers/dlapi.workers/workers/RpcWorkerLauncher.php Worker-1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
end script
post-stop script
read -r FIRSTLINE < /var/run/worker-1.pid
kill $(($FIRSTLINE + 2))
kill $(($FIRSTLINE + 3))
kill $(($FIRSTLINE + 4))
kill $(($FIRSTLINE + 5))
kill $(($FIRSTLINE + 6))
rm /var/run/worker-1.pid
echo "[`date`] Workers stopped" >> /var/log/worker-1.log
end script
The script above is almost correct. The main problem was that PHP script initiated RabbitMQ worker but RabbitMQ server was not ready.
I made some additional tweaks and here is a working solution:
description "Starts/kills workers."
author "Jiri Mihal"
start on (rabbitmq-server-running or started rabbitmq-server)
stop on (shutdown or rabbitmq-server-stopped or stopping rabbitmq-server)
env WORKER=Workername
env COUNT=5
pre-start script
echo "[`date`] Workers started" >> /var/log/worker-$WORKER.log
end script
post-start script
for i in `seq 1 $COUNT`;
exec php /home/jiri/workers/dlapi.workers/workers/RpcWorkerLauncher.php $WORKER >/dev/null 2>&1 &
if [ $i = 1 ]; then
echo $! > /var/run/worker-$WORKER.pid
end script
post-stop script
read -r PID < /var/run/worker-$WORKER.pid
for i in `seq 1 $COUNT`;
kill $(($PID + $i - 1))
rm /var/run/worker-$WORKER.pid
echo "[`date`] Workers stopped" >> /var/log/worker-$WORKER.log
end script