Similar question to this, except those answers are outdated and not applicable to my current situation.
Here's my webapp's signin flow:
This was working fine (last tested a week ago) but today it's suddenly giving me:
error: invalid_grant
I'm using Node's xoauth2 package, and this hasn't been updated since June so I can't see why this would suddenly be a problem now - unless Google has changed something on their end in the past week or so?
Sample of the code I'm using that calls the error:
// User credentials - all verified working + correct
xoauth2gen = xoauth2.createXOAuth2Generator({
user: email,
clientId: configAuth.googleAuth.clientID,
clientSecret: configAuth.googleAuth.clientSecret,
refreshToken: refresh
xoauth2gen.getToken(function(err, token){
return console.log("XOAUTH2 Error: " + err);
if(type === "full"){
Edit: For completeness, the scopes I'm using when generating the refresh token are:
scope : ['',
accessType: 'offline',
approvalPrompt: 'force'
This was eventually fixed by deauthorizing my app in my Gmail account, deleting the refresh token I had stored in MongoDB and starting from scratch. Appears that it was simply a case of some permissions that I had changed, that hadn't been granted via oAuth2.