I have the following entry in my liquibase xml:
<changeSet author="lars" id="1">
<createTable tableName="STATUS">
<column autoIncrement="true" name="AUTOID" type="BIGINT">
<constraints primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="PK_STATUS"/>
<column name="DATA" type="CLOB(1048576)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="VERSION" type="BIGINT">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
But when I use liquibase to run this on an MS SQL Server Standard Edition, v12, I see that the DATA
column has been created as type VARCHAR
I use liquibase maven plugin v3.2.0
The driver I use is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
, sqljdbc42.jar
, i.e. version 4.2.
Anyone has any idea why this happens?
Check out the ClobType.java
In the method toDatabaseDataType
it has an else if
section for the MSSQLDatabase type:
else if (database instanceof MSSQLDatabase) {
I don't know anything about MS SQL but it seems to me that liquibase (among other things) checks the version number of the MS SQL db and returns a different type depending on the db version. Maybe this is better suited on a MS SQL db and for convenience liquibase translated it directly?