In a BitBake .bbappend
file, I have the following:
SRC_URI += "file://foo.file"
do_install_append() {
install -m 000 foo.file ${D}${sysconfdir}/foo.file
FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/foo.file"
The foo.file
is created in the proper directory, but the permissions are -rw-------
. Within a normal shell, I can install -m 000
on a file which sets permissions to ----------
just fine.
Is there a way to remove read & write privileges for the file owner using BitBake?
UPDATE: I've run the following commands within an IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND
install -m 0000 ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/foo.file ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/root
ls -lah ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/root >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/root/lslog
After the bitbake
has finished execution, I navigate to ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/root
and do an ls -la
and I see that the permissions on foo.file
are -rw-------
, but when I look what's inside the ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/root
, the permissions are ----------
. I thought this might help diagnose what's going on here.
Boot up the image on your target machine and you'll find that the file permissions appear as they are in your lslog
, the file permissions are changed after the image creation process is complete.