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How to create a 160x600 size ad unit in the new Windows Dev Center?

I had developed a windows store app last year and used Microsoft PubCenter to create a 160x600 size ad unit. I am developing another app now. PubCenter does not appear to allow creating any more ad units. It seems one has to create a new ad unit from -> Dashboard -> Monetization -> Monetize with ads. I went there and it gives me this UI: enter image description here

where is the option to select the ad size? I created an ad, and oddly enough I can't see its properties on To see the ad properties I have to go to pubcenter and over there it shows the ad size as 300x250. So here are my questions:
1. Does the latest ad platform not support 160x600 size ads?
2. Is it ok if I use the old ad unit with the new app (as well as the previous one)? Would appreciate if someone from Microsoft could answer.

Here is a link that shows how the experience used to be. But now when I log onto pubcenter there is no button like below to monetize a new app: enter image description here

and does not offer any option to select ad size unlike the past experience below: enter image description here


  • It looks like one does not have to declare the ad size with the new portal. It is sufficient to create a new ad unit and use it like below (illustration is for WinJS using MSAdvertising SDK for windows 8.1). However one issue I ran into is that my app did not start serving ads until after 1 week. Needless to say, that was pretty annoying and a bad experience for customers.

    <div id="myAd" style="position: absolute; top: 50px; right: 0px; width: 160px; height: 600px; z-index: 1"
             data-win-options="{applicationId: 'XXX', adUnitId: 'XXX'}">