I would like to split a very large .txt file in to equal parts files each part containing N lines. and save it to a folder
with open('eg.txt', 'r') as T:
while True:
next_n_lines = islice(T, 300)
f = open("split" + str(x.pop()) + ".txt", "w")
But this creates a files with data
" < itertools.islice object at 0x7f8fa94a4940 >"
in the txt
I would like to preserve the same structure and style maintained in the original txt
And this code does not terminate automatically when it reaches end of file as well. If possible I would the code to stop writing to files and quit if there is no data left to write.
You can use iter
with islice
, taking n lines at a time using enumerate to give your files unique names. f.writelines
will write each list of lines to a new file:
with open('eg.txt') as T:
for i, sli in enumerate(iter(lambda:list(islice(T, 300)), []), 1):
with open("split_{}.txt".format(i), "w") as f:
Your code loops forever as you don't include any break condition, using iter
with an empty list will mean the loop ends when the iterator has been exhausted.
Also if you wanted to pass an islice object to be written you would just call writelines
on it i.e f.writelines(next_n_lines)
, str(next_n_lines)