I am using the Asynchronous Http Client of the LoopJ Library. I want it to become more robust, so if there is a Onfailure , the Params get saved and tried again later in a interval for example 1 hour. Now my question is, is there a possibility to grab the Requestparams in the OnFailure Callback so I can use them again later?
Or is there a better Opportunity anyone can think of?
loginparams=new RequestParams();
loginparams.put("username", email);
loginparams.put("password", password);
loginClient.doLogin(loginparams, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
public void onFailure(int i, cz.msebera.android.httpclient.Header[] headers, byte[] bytes, Throwable throwable) {
Log.v("MYLOG", "On START"+checker1);