Search code examples

Search for text in windows store app

I need to make search in some textbox(or some other control) but I cannot find good solution ...

To be more clear I have one text box and when i type text in it,i need to highlight text in other control.

In winform app I write code for this, and I use RichTextBox, that was not a big problem.

But in windows store application I not have RichTextBox, here are RichTextBlock and RichEditBox and with this controls i cannot find way to search for text.

Is this even possible? maybe I can use some external library? Please help and Thanx.


  • You can use TextBox (for inputs) and TextBlock (for highlight content). The TextBox control has an event named TextChanged raised every key pressed. TextBlock has a property named Inlines inside you can put some text element (like Span, Run, etc). Your TextBlock can be declared like this :

    <TextBlock x:Name="MyTb">
        Lorem ipsum sit amet

    Your TextBox :

    <TextBox TextChanged="TextBox_TextChanged" />

    And the TextChanged event :

    var txtToHighlight = (sender as TextBox)?.Text;
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtToHighlight))
        var tb = MyTb;
        var currentTxt = tb.Text;
        var ix = currentTxt.IndexOf(txtToHighlight);
        if (ix >= 0)
            var highlightContent = new Span { Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) };
            highlightContent.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = currentTxt.Substring(ix, txtToHighlight.Length) });
            tb.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = currentTxt.Substring(0, ix) });
            tb.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = currentTxt.Substring(ix + txtToHighlight.Length) });
            tb.Text = currentTxt;