I have an angular 1.5.0-rc0 application with satellizer in order to login to facebook.
the website connects to a nodejs server at https://myalcoholist.com:8888
the website is https://myalcoholist.com
to configure satellizer with facebook i have the following code:
app.config(function($authProvider) {
clientId: '226393057557099',
url: 'https://myalcoholist.com:8888/auth/facebook',
redirectUri: 'https://myalcoholist.com'
and my angular login controller code:
(function () {
angular.module('myalcoholist').controller('LoginController',['$scope','$auth','$location', 'toastr',function ($scope,$auth,$location,toastr) {
$scope.authenticate = function (provider) {
$auth.authenticate(provider).then(function () {
toastr.success('You have successfully signed in with ' + provider + '!');
.catch(function (error) {
if (error.error) {
// Popup error - invalid redirect_uri, pressed cancel button, etc.
} else if (error.data) {
toastr.error(error.data.message, error.status);
} else {
my nodejs application uses restify framework for handling the requests and i configured it to route:
server.post('/auth/:provider', function (req,res,next) {
require(post_commands_dir + 'auth.js')(req,res,next);
and auth.js contains
var FB = require('fb');
function auth(req, res, next) {
var clientId = req.params.clientId;
var code = req.params.code;
var provider = req.params.provider;
FB.api('oauth/access_token', {
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>',
redirect_uri: 'https://myalcoholist.com',
code: code
}, function (response) {
if(!response || response.error) {
console.log(!response ? 'error occurred' : response.error);
var accessToken = response.access_token;
// var expires = response.expires ? response.expires : 0;
module.exports = auth;
in my angular project in the view I have a button that calls the authenticate function i added to the scope. when i click on login it opens a facebook popup and I click on Allow, then it closes the popup and executes in the background a post request to https://myalcoholist.com:8888/auth/facebook with the code. when I try to convert the code to access token using the code in auth.js
i get the following error:
{ message: 'Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request',
type: 'OAuthException',
code: 100,
fbtrace_id: 'B09qSPJS08d' }
now in facebook console i configured the Valid OAuth redirect URIs
to https://myalcoholist.com
now I think that I'm probably mistaken with the redirect_uri and I should implement it differently. I just don't know how. any ideas ?
In facebook app developer console, when I add https://myalcoholist.com
to the OAuth Callback Url it auto adds /
to it. that's what I've been missing in my API server. the redirect_url In the api server was configured to https://myalcoholist.com
without the ending /
welp problem resolved.