I have an array that is called from an API. The data returned is like so (tidied up for display purposes).
"MessageThreadID": 30044,
"CustomerID": 433,
"MessageType": 1,
"Subject": "What is my account balance?",
"OpenDate": "2015-12-21T10:36:00",
"Closed": false,
"ClosedDate": null,
"Messages": [
"IBMessageID": 30076,
"MessageThreadID": 30044,
"MessageText": "What is my account balance?",
"FromCustomer": true,
"UserID": null,
"Date": "2015-12-21T10:36:00"
"IBMessageID": 30077,
"MessageThreadID": 30044,
"MessageText": "£1230.00",
"FromCustomer": false,
"UserID": 1,
"Date": "2015-12-21T10:36:00"
"IBMessageID": 30078,
"MessageThreadID": 30044,
"MessageText": "Thanks you",
"FromCustomer": true,
"UserID": null,
"Date": "2015-12-21T10:37:00"
From this I use the following in my helpers to make the call to the API and return this data.
def contact_messages_threads(customer_id)
customer_id = @customer.id
response = get_call('/Messages/GetOpenedMessages/' + customer_id.to_s)
response = JSON.parse(response.body)
@openmessagethreads = {}
@openmessagethreads = response.map do |openmessagethread|
return @openmessagethreads
My contact model is as below where the different sections are defined.
class Contact
attr_accessor :message_customer_ID, :message_type, :message_subject, :message_source, :message_thread_ID, :messages, :messages_test, :message_text, :from_customer,
:message_user_id, :message_date, :openmessagethreads
attr_reader :messages
def initialize(options)
@message_customer_ID = options['CustomerID'].to_s
@message_type = options['MessageType'].to_s
@message_subject = options['Subject'].to_s
@message_source = options['Closed'].to_s
@message_thread_ID = options['MessageThreadID'].to_s
@messages = options['Messages']
@messages_test = options['Messages']['IBMessageID'].to_s
@message_text = options['MessageText']
@from_customer = options['FromCustomer']
@message_user_id = options['UserID']
@message_date = options['OpenDate']
@openmessagethreads = {}
Finally in my view I call the data like so:
- contact_messages_threads(@customer.id).each do |openmessagethread|
= openmessagethread.message_subject
From this I am able to quite easily call data such as IBMessageThreadID, CustomerID etc however I cannot access the Messages array and what is contained within. I have worked at this when i get a spare minute for the last two months and still havent been able to crack it. I think i may need to change my model, api call or possibly view but have been trying different variations I have found online but cant seem to crack it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
To access the array, you need to use array index.
Instead of using
@messages_test = options['Messages']['IBMessageID'].to_s
you need to use, to access to first element the arrayoptions['Messages']
array, below code
@messages_test = options['Messages'][0]['IBMessageID'].to_s
You can iterate the array, if you wish, by using
options['Messages'] each do |item|
puts item["IBMessageID"] # for illustration