I am trying to call a webservice from my play server I am using upickle for serialisation/deserialisation . My problem I have a sealed trait as
sealed trait RequestContent {
case class CreateUserRequest (email: String, password: String,jsonBlob: Map[String, String], createBTCWallet: Boolean) extends RequestContent
And when I try using upickle.default.write
val userRequest = CreateUserRequest("email","pw",Map("name" -> "name", true))
it gives an extra key for $type
. Is there a way to get the data to post without type in upickle??
In the case of a sealed trait hierarchy, uPickle needs an additional $type
field to be able to deserialize, since it needs to know which subclass to instantiate.
So the presence of this extra key is perfectly normal and necessary. It is not possible to remove it, as that would prevent deserialization from working.