I am using PostgreSQL 9.4. I need to convert subquery to hstore.
I have this query: select code, value_string from dir
. It returns
code | value_string
CODE | 1
ACC | 2
How to convert his result to hstore('"ACC"=>"2", "CODE"=>"1", ...')
I am looking something like this: SELECT hstore(select code, value_string from dir)
For the documentation:
hstore(text[], text[])
- construct an hstore from separate key and value arrays.
Use array_agg()
as arguments for this function. Example:
create table dir (code text, value_string text);
insert into dir values
('CODE', 1),
('ACC', 2);
select hstore(array_agg(code), array_agg(value_string))
from dir;
"ACC"=>"2", "CODE"=>"1"
(1 row)