I'm using Varnish version 4. I'd like to know if VCL allows a custom and reusable list of values like ACL
. I want to use it to check against visitors' cookies. If he is a moderator, don't serve cached content.
Cookie String:
session=9urt2jipvkq77brfrf; UserID=158
acl moderator{
sub vcl_recv {
set req.http.UserID = regsub(req.http.Cookie,".*UserID=(\d+).*","\1"); // 158
if(req.http.UserID ~ moderator){ // 158 found in the moderator list
Short answer: no
ACL (access control list) is only used for specifying different IPs/hosts.
However you can use a VMOD to accomplish this. Checkout Variable
It has some basic functions for setting and getting variables.
set("my_var", "this is the value")
set req.http.x-my-var = get("my_var")
There is also some more advanced functions, like setting multiple variables from a single string using regex.
variable.regset("ttl:d=\1s,grace:d=\2s", "^(?:.*,)?max-age=([0-9]+)(?:+([0-9]+))", beresp.http.Surrogate-Control);
set beresp.ttl = variable.get_duration("ttl");
set beresp.grace = variable.get_duration("grace");
is the name of the variable, grace
is the name of the second variable
& \2
are simple back-references to the regex
specifies the type, in this case duration
Your list of user id:s
You could just set them in a comma separated string
set("moderators", ",158,114,") //Notice the starting and ending comma-sign
if(","+req.http.UserID+"," ~ get("moderators")){