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Get the local login name for the given Microsoft Account returned by NetWkstaUserEnum API on Windows 8 and above

I am using NetWkstaUserEnum() to get the local users name and its domain details.

Till Windows 7 it used to return only the login name and it worked fine. From Windows 8 onwards Microsoft Account was added and for this type of account the API started returning the Microsoft Account name instead of the local login name.

For example it returned instead of usern_0000 which is the actual Windows local login name.

I cannot use NetUserEnum() as it does not return the domain name of the user.

So I need to get the local login name for the given Microsoft Account returned by NetWkstaUserEnum() API.

Any help will be appreciated.


  • Finally I was able to locate a way to get the Windows username for the given Microsoft Account.It uses NetUserGetInfo() to get the Microsoft Account name for the given username.

    Code Snippet:

        ntStatus    =   NetUserEnum(szSvr, 0, 0, (LPBYTE*)&userInfo0, dwPrefMaxLen, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &dwResumeHandle);
        if( (ntStatus == NERR_Success) || (ntStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) )
            tmpinfo = userInfo0;
            for( i = 0; (i < dwEntriesRead); i++ )
                if(tmpinfo  != NULL)
                    ntStatus    =   NetUserGetInfo(szSvr, tmpinfo->usri0_name, 24,(LPBYTE*)&userInfo24);
                    if(ntStatus == NERR_Success)
                        CString internetPrincipalName = (LPCWSTR) userInfo24->usri24_internet_principal_name;
                        if(LoginUsrStr.CompareNoCase(internetPrincipalName) == 0)
                            OutputDebugString("@@@@@@ Account Found @@@@@@");
                            localAccount = (LPCWSTR) tmpinfo->usri0_name;
                            userFound = TRUE;
        if( userInfo0 != NULL )
            NetApiBufferFree( userInfo0 ) ;
            userInfo0 = NULL ;
        if( userInfo24 != NULL )
            NetApiBufferFree( userInfo24 ) ;
            userInfo24 = NULL ;
    } while( userFound == FALSE && ntStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ;