I have a dynamic orderBy function I am using for a ng-repeat. I had help with this from another post. He created a plunker and it works great. however when I integrated with project it is not working as expected. I created the plunker with the same versions of all refrences as well. here is link to post. link to stackoverflow post
I have narrowed it down to what it is going on.
on page load you see the empty array.
here is when i apply the filter.
the selected filter is being applied to the array. however no changes are being applied to the ng-repeat.
here is after removing the selected filter. notice the array of objects changed the to the correct value. but with a breakpoint in the watchgroup function i realized it was not picking up the change in the model.
here is when i reapply the same filter. the watchgroup picks up the model change and applys it the orderBy array which should be a empty array.
I have triple checked to make sure the javascript refrences are the same versions. But I am not sure how to troubleshoot this since the plunker works perfect?
here is the actual code from my project
mapSidebarCtrl.orderBy = [];
mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions = [{
name: 'Subdivision',
value: false,
fields: ['properties.name']
}, {
name: 'Total LOE',
value: false,
fields: ['metrics.loe.total']
}, {
name: 'Inventory',
value: false,
fields: ['metrics.inv.fut', 'metrics.inv.vdl', 'metrics.inv.mod', 'metrics.inv.uc', 'metrics.inv.fin', 'metrics.inv.total']
$scope.$watchGroup(['mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions[0].value', 'mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions[1].value', 'mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions[2].value'], function () {
angular.forEach(mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions, function (x) {
if (x.value) {
[].push.apply(mapSidebarCtrl.orderBy, x.fields);
SelectedTerritoryService.subscribeSelectedTerritorySubdivisions($scope, function selectedTerritorySubdivisions(event, args) {
mapSidebarCtrl.territorySubdivisions = args
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="panel-body p-xxs">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="btn-group">
<label class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-repeat="option in mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions" ng-class="{ active: option.value }" ng-click="option.value = !option.value">
<i class="fa" ng-class="{ 'fa-sort-alpha-desc': option.value, 'fa-sort-alpha-asc': !option.value }"></i> {{ option.name }}
<div class="panel-body p-xs m-t-sm overflow" ng-style="resizeWithOffset(300)" resize>
<div class="panel-body p-xxs"
ng-repeat="subdivision in mapSidebarCtrl.territorySubdivisions | orderBy: mapSidebarCtrl.orderBy">
<a ng-click="mapSidebarCtrl.selectSubdivision(subdivision.properties.id);">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="pull-right text-right">
<img src="https://placeimg.com/75/75/any">
<h5 class="m-b-xs"><span>{{subdivision.properties.name}}</span></h5>
<div class="m-b-xs"><span>{{subdivision.properties.status}}</span></div>
<div class="badges"> <i class="fa fa-star text-warning"></i> <i class="fa fa-star text-warning"></i> <i class="fa fa-star text-warning"></i> </div>
<pre><code>{{ mapSidebarCtrl.orderOptions | json }}</code></pre>
<pre><code>{{ mapSidebarCtrl.orderBy | json }}</code></pre>
You forgot to clear the array in the $watchGroup
callback function.
$scope.$watchGroup(['vm.orderOptions[0].value', 'vm.orderOptions[1].value', 'vm.orderOptions[2].value'], function() {
vm.orderBy = []; // <=- clear/reset the array
angular.forEach(vm.orderOptions, function(x) {
if (x.value) {
[].push.apply(vm.orderBy, x.fields)