I am trying to understand the source code of the universal music player provided by android here :https://github.com/googlesamples/android-UniversalMusicPlayer
However, I don't understand the their usage of a Browser Adapter to populate the list with MediaItem. The part of the code is here:
private static class BrowseAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<MediaBrowser.MediaItem> {
public BrowseAdapter(Activity context) {
super(context, R.layout.media_list_item, new ArrayList<MediaBrowser.MediaItem>());
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
MediaBrowser.MediaItem item = getItem(position);
System.out.println("Item: "+item);
int itemState = MediaItemViewHolder.STATE_NONE;
if (item.isPlayable()) {
itemState = MediaItemViewHolder.STATE_PLAYABLE;
MediaController controller = ((Activity) getContext()).getMediaController();
if (controller != null && controller.getMetadata() != null) {
String currentPlaying = controller.getMetadata().getDescription().getMediaId();
String musicId = MediaIDHelper.extractMusicIDFromMediaID(
if (currentPlaying != null && currentPlaying.equals(musicId)) {
PlaybackState pbState = controller.getPlaybackState();
if (pbState == null || pbState.getState() == PlaybackState.STATE_ERROR) {
itemState = MediaItemViewHolder.STATE_NONE;
} else if (pbState.getState() == PlaybackState.STATE_PLAYING) {
itemState = MediaItemViewHolder.STATE_PLAYING;
} else {
itemState = MediaItemViewHolder.STATE_PAUSED;
return MediaItemViewHolder.setupView((Activity) getContext(), convertView, parent,
item.getDescription(), itemState);
On the first line of getView,how does getItem() know which list/array to look for to retrieve the data at the specified 'position' ? Usually for list adapters,we pass in an array with elements already in them but in this example, they created a new ArrayList so it should be empty.So how can the getItem() retrieve from an empty ArrayList? Or does it retrieve the MediaItem from elsewhere?
The constructor for BrowseAdapter calls the parent constructor (see ArrayAdapter.java lines 154-164). The parent constructor creates a list of items (see lines 175-182).
Items are added to the adapter which adds them to the list (MediaBrowserFragment lines 119-121). getItem(int position)
then returns the item in the list (see 343-345).