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Is Google adsense available for localhost?

Is it possible to run google adsense ads on a local server as a try out for a example application? I want to implement Google adsense ads in my web application which is running on a localost befor implementing in a live website. If possible then please suggest me the way.

Thank you.


  • Yes it is possible (as of 2015). There is a special parameter, to use Adsense on Localhost without risks.

    Today the AdSense code is different. If you want to add the adtest-parameter use data-adtest="on" within an ins block. Here is an example code:

    <script async src="//"></script>
    <!-- XYZ 336 x 280 -->
    <ins class="adsbygoogle"
      (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

    Found this on Google AdManager Help:

    It shows a basic tutorial on how to achieve this.

    Test Ad Exchange tags without charging advertisers or recording clicks and impressions

    Add the google_adtest = on; parameter to your ad tag to specify that this is a test implementation. Make sure you set this parameter to "on" to ensure that clicks and impressions aren't recorded and advertisers aren't charged. The default value is "off".