I would like to find out the type of the video using android youtube api. Example, i would like to know if the video on the youtube is a music video or a movie trailer or something else? Is there a way to find it out?
Using the API tool here I was able to grab some videos under a certain category (Music | ID: 10
As long as you request all fields for the videos, it should return any tags/keywords with each video as well if you needed to do some further filtering on your end.
For example this request: GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&hl=EN&maxResults=50®ionCode=US&videoCategoryId=10&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CprevPageToken%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Returns 50 mostPopular videos in the Music category.
To find category IDs, you can use this API tool to get started