I'm trying to create an IF function based off text on the page.
I am working with print merges and populating dozens of merge fields that are hidden and separated into layers with there objects based on which style they go with.
I then manually set visibility = True
for that style
I know this syntax is wrong, but for the sake of explaining, what I'm trying to do is;
If Layer("Style") contains text "MyStyleName"
Layer("MyStyleName").Visible = True
I'm currently using this code with MyStyleLayer1 to MyStyleLayer13 or so
If ActivePage.Layers("MyStyleLayer1").Visible = True Then
ActivePage.Layers("MyStyleLayer1").Visible = False
Else: ActivePage.Layers("MyStyleLayer1").Visible = True
End If
Each style layer is assigned to a keyboard shortcut and manually shown or hidden
Im trying to automate this process
To hide layers with name contian 'Layer' you can use this code
Sub HideLayer()
' Recorded 20.12.2015
Dim Mylayer As Layer
Dim searchstring As String
searchstring = "Layer"
For Each Mylayer In ActivePage.Layers
If InStr(1, Mylayer.Name, searchstring) > 0 Then
Mylayer.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
To show layer change
Mylayer.Visible = False
Mylayer.Visible = true
To search string in text on page use this code
Public Sub TextFind()
Dim s As Shape
Dim WhatFind as String
Dim CountFind as integer
CountFind = 0
WhatFind = "I"
For Each s In ActiveDocument.ActivePage.Shapes
If s.Type = cdrTextShape Then
If InStr(1, s.Text.Story, WhatFind) > 0 Then
End If
End If
If CountFind > 0 Then ' do what you want when WhatFind had searched in text
End If
End Sub