I'm pretty new to Docker, and I need to create the container to run Docker container as an Apache Mesos task.
The problem is that I can't find any relevant examples. They all are centered around Web development, which is not my case.
I have a pure Python project with large number of dependencies ( like Berkeley Caffe or OpenCV ). How to write a Docker file to properly enroll all dependecies ( and how to find them out?)
The docker hub registry contains a number of official language images, which you can use as your base image.
The instructions tell you how you can build your python project, including the importation of dependencies.
├── Dockerfile <-- Docker build file
├── requirements.txt <-- List of pip dependencies
└── your-daemon-or-script.py <-- Python script to run
Image supports both Python 2 and 3, you specify this in the Dockerfile:
FROM python:3-onbuild
CMD [ "python", "./your-daemon-or-script.py" ]
The base image uses special ONBUILD instructions to all the hard work for you.