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Non English Outlook: Outlook hangs if a change to a document is made.

I encountered an issue which does not replicate in an English version of Outlook 2013.

If I grab a MailItem's Document.Content and change its Text property, after closing the Inspector, Outlook will hang and I will have to kill the process with Task Manger.

This is the code I am running:

    class Program
        public Program()
            Outlook.Application appOutlook;
            appOutlook = (Outlook.Application)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application");

            Outlook.Inspector insp = appOutlook.ActiveInspector();
            Word.Document doc = insp.WordEditor;

            if (doc.ProtectionType != Word.WdProtectionType.wdNoProtection)

            doc.Content.Text = "test";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program program = new Program();

Again, this works smoothly in English, but hangs the application in German for instance - and in other languages as well.

I have noticed that closing the Reading Pane prevents Outlook from hanging.

Any help will be appreciated.


  • Changing the WWLIB.dll to the most updated one solved the issue.