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CHECK CONSTRAINT on multiple columns

I use SQL Server 2008

I use a CHECK CONSTRAINT on multiple columns in the same table to try to validate data input.

I receive an error:

Column CHECK constraint for column 'AAAA' references another column, table 'XXXX'.

CHECK CONSTRAINT does not work in this way.

Any other way to implement this on a single table without using FK?


Here an example of my code

EffectiveStartDate  dateTime2(2)        NOT NULL,
EffectiveEndDate    dateTime2(2)        NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT CK_CmsSponsoredContents_EffectiveEndDate CHECK (EffectiveEndDate > EffectiveStartDate),


  • Yes, define the CHECK CONSTRAINT at the table level

    CREATE TABLE foo (
       bar int NOT NULL, 
       fred varchar(50) NOT NULL,
       CONSTRAINT CK_foo_stuff CHECK (bar = 1 AND fred ='fish')

    You are declaring it inline as a column constraint

    fred varchar(50) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT CK_foo_fred CHECK (...)

    Edit, easier to post than describe. Fixed your commas.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Test 
      EffectiveStartDate  dateTime2(2)        NOT NULL,
      EffectiveEndDate    dateTime2(2)        NOT NULL,  --need comma
      CONSTRAINT CK_CmsSponsoredContents_EffectiveEndDate CHECK (EffectiveEndDate > EffectiveStartDate) --no comma

    Of course, the question remains are you using a CHECK constraint where it should be an FK constraint...?