I'm trying to write a basic Pester test that checks an "advanced" function for the resolved parameter set:
function Do-Stuff
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Set 1')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Set 1')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Set 2')]
$PSBoundParameters |select -ExpandProperty Keys
Describe Do-Stuff {
It 'Returns "S2" when switch "S2" is set' {
$actual = Do-Stuff -S2
$expexted = 'S2'
$actual |Should Be $expexted
# How to test the resolved parameter set?
It 'The resolved parameter set is "Set 2" when switch "S2" is set' {
$actual = 'What to do here?' # I'm lost ;(
$expexted = 'Set 2'
$actual |Should Be $expexted
Thanx. Any advice would be highly appreciated since I'm totally new to Pester. ...not much better in posh and coding in general either :D
The following will test if you use 'Set 2' for parameter S2:
Describe Do-Stuff {
$Command = Get-Command 'Do-Stuff'
It 'Returns "S2" when switch "S2" is set' {
$actual = Do-Stuff -S2
$expexted = 'S2'
$actual |Should Be $expexted
# How to test the resolved parameter set?
It 'The resolved parameter set is "Set 2" when switch "S2" is set' {
$actual = $Command.Parameters["S2"].ParameterSets.Keys
$expexted = 'Set 2'
$actual |Should Be $expexted
# when you use several sets for parameters
$expexted -contains $actual | should Be $true
Tracing if powershell is actually executing 'set 2', when you set it so, not a subject for pester testing imho...