I am working with EditText which take WebUrl in input.For that I am using LinkMovementMethod
Make links in the EditText clickable.
Problem is that :
If the last part of the text is a link, clicking anywhere causes the link to be opened.
I want when I am clicking on click here to edit area edittext, It will be editable?
Daniel Lew wrote the blog post about it several days ago. He suggests next solution:
// Make links in the EditText clickable
// Setup my Spannable with clickable URLs
Spannable spannable = new SpannableString("http://blog.danlew.net");
Linkify.addLinks(spannable, Linkify.WEB_URLS);
// The fix: Append a zero-width space to the Spannable
CharSequence text = TextUtils.concat(spannable, "\u200B");
// Use it!
You can find post here: Making EditTexts with links both clickable and editable