this code is to define the exclusive disjunction truth table in haskell
Click here for more info on exclusive disjunction, XOR Code:
-- truth table concept of logical XOR
exclusiveDisjunction :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
exclusiveDisjunction = x y
|True True <- False
|True False <- True
|False True <- True
|False False <- False
|otherwise = x y
parse error on input ‘|’
Failed, modules loaded: none.
how to set guards with two boolean values given the xor truth table in haskell syntax ?
Thank you Please specify your answer without using haskell built in operators, meaning do not use && ||.
why can't this just be done?
exclusiveDisjunction2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
exclusiveDisjunction2 x y
|True True = False
|True False = True
|False True = True
|False False = False
this is the result after running
Couldn't match expected type ‘Bool -> Bool’ with actual type ‘Bool’
The function ‘False’ is applied to one argument,
but its type ‘Bool’ has none
In the expression: False False
In a stmt of a pattern guard for
an equation for ‘exclusiveDisjunction2’:
False False
You are making syntax errors. If you really want to use guards, you can do something like this:
exclusiveDisjunction :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
exclusiveDisjunction x y
| x == True && y == True = False
| x == True && y == False = True
| x == False && y == True = True
| x == False && y == False = False
But this can be more simply achieved by case
exclusiveDisjunction :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
exclusiveDisjunction x y = case (x,y) of
(True, True) -> False
(True, False) -> True
(False, True) -> True
(False, False) -> False
Or even more simply using the inbuilt disjunction
exclusiveDisjunction :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
exclusiveDisjunction x y = case (x,y) of
(True, True) -> False
otherwise -> x || y