I want to read users input combined of strings and numbers, like this:
50:string one
25:string two blablabla
I don't know how many of the lines the input will have and I also don't know maximum length of the strings.
So I created
typdedef struct line
int a
char *string
} line;
Then an array of this sturct
line *Array = NULL;
Now I have a cycle, that reads one line and parses it to temporaryString and temporaryA. How can I realloc the Array to copy these into the array?
You could something like this (pseudo code).
idx = 0;
while (input = read()) {
temporaryString, temporaryA = parse(input);
Array = realloc(Array, (idx + 1)*sizeof(line));
Array[idx].a = temporaryA;
Array[idx].string = malloc(strlen(temporaryString) + 1);
strcpy(Array[idx].string, temporaryString);