i try out susy and my first problems starts ;) at first i try to remove the gutter from an element with
@include span(no-gutters);
this are my settings
$susy: (
columns: 12,
gutters: 10,
global-box-sizing: border-box,
math: fluid,
gutter-position: inside,
debug: (
image: show
is this the correct way?
the mixin with "full" works just fine
@include span(full);
i found this at the docs http://susydocs.oddbird.net/en/latest/toolkit/#span-mixin scroll down to "Other Settings"
Use no-gutters to remove gutter output from an individual span, ...
a short codepen, maybe i'm doing at some other place something wrong ;) http://codepen.io/destroy90210/pen/KVVWgL?editors=110
gregor ;)
The no-gutters
key word does not remove existing gutters (maybe the docs should be more clear). It just keeps the span
mixin from outputting new gutters. It removes the gutter-output, but it doesn't override gutters set somewhere else. To do that, gutters(0px)
is a fine solution, as you found above.