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TokenMismatchException when deleting a row in db

I'm using DropZone.js and laravel. When i try to delete a record with an AJAX request i get a response saying:

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php

var classElements = document.querySelectorAll("tr.ui-selected td.filename");

        for(var x = 0;x < classElements.length;x++){
            var result;
            result = classElements[x].innerHTML;
            var csrf = $('input[name=_token]').val();
                async: true,
                type: "DELETE",
                method: 'POST',
                url: '../public/deletefile',
                data: { filename: result, "_token": "{{ csrf_token() }}"  },
                success: function(response) {

This is the model:

public function deleteUserFiles(){ 
        $userid = Auth::id();
        $result = $_POST['result'];
        $deletedRows = App\Models\File::where('filename', $result)->where('userid', $userid)->delete();

And the route:

Route::post('deletefile', 'UserFiles@deleteUserFiles');

What could be the problem?


  • I think the problem here is that you use csrf_token() in loop. I think your JS code should look like this:

    var classElements = document.querySelectorAll("tr.ui-selected td.filename");
    var csrf = $('input[name=_token]').val();
    for(var x = 0;x < classElements.length;x++){
        var result;
        result = classElements[x].innerHTML;
            async: true,
            type: "DELETE",
            method: 'POST',
            url: '../public/deletefile',
            data: { filename: result, "_token": csrf  },
            success: function(response) {