I'm writing some sass classes for a bootstrap-based website. Basically, I want to generate some helper classes. In this case, they are media-queries and flex.
For each bootstrap screen size, (only, maximum or minimum) I want to add a "order" value from 0 to 12.
There are 3 dimensions.
ex :
will give xs-only-flex-order-0 xs-only-flex-order-1 xs-only-flex-order-2 xs-down-flex-order-0 xs-up-flex-order-0 ........
To do this, I wrote this
$xs: (
name : 'xs',
min-size: 700,
max-size: 1000
$sm: (
name : 'sm',
min-size: 1001,
max-size: 1200
$sizes: $xs, $sm;
@each $size in $sizes{
@for $i from 1 through 12 {
$name : map-get($size, name);
$min-size : map-get($size, min-size);
$max-size : map-get($size, max-size);
.#{$name}-only-flex-order-#{$i} {
@media all and (min-width : $min-size) and (max-width : $max-size){
order : $i;
.#{map-get($size, name)}-down-flex-order-#{$i} {
@media((max-width : map-get($size, max-size))){
order : $i;
.#{map-get($size, name)}-up-flex-order-#{$i} {
@media((min-width : map-get($size, min-size))){
order : $i;
Though, I get an error (max-width: 767px) isn't a valid CSS value.
It stepped through the first media query block and threw at the first media query block (max-width : $max-size)
it encountered.
Seems to me that @media (max-width: 767px)
is a perfectly valid css value.
What could be wrong?
You've accidentally created a mapping by using an extra set of parentheses. While the syntax for mappings looks somewhat similar to the syntax for media queries, they are not valid here.
.#{map-get($size, name)}-down-flex-order-#{$i} {
@media((max-width : map-get($size, max-size))){
order : $i;
Should be this:
.#{map-get($size, name)}-down-flex-order-#{$i} {
@media(max-width : map-get($size, max-size)){ // minus a set of parentheses
order : $i;
Related: How to stop sass/compass evaluating "not print" in media query as "false"