I am drawing some diagram, and I am wondering if it is acceptable for the actor to be in diagram more than once (for better transparency of the diagram)?
is a composition of UMLDiagramElement
s, however Actor
is NOT UmlDiagramElement
, it is an Element
. The UMLDiagramElement
counterpart for Actor is either UMLShape
(when shown as icon/figure) or UMLClassifierShape
(when shown as a class box).
You have to keep the concepts of "UML Model" and "UML Diagram" separate. Model is a conceptual representation of your domain, and diagram is a concrete visual representation of a model.
The two elements from Model and Diagram are then connected by an association (B.2.2).
The association is N:M (and unidirectional), the model doesn't care that it is being visualized.
As far as I can tell there is nothing that would restrict you from having several visual representations of a single actor.
Lastly as both Thomas and Geert mentioned, it is a bad practice. If your diagram is so complex that you want multiple representations you should probably decompose it.