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Actionscript: Accessing private setter in own constructor

I am trying to set a variable whose setter is private in the constructor of the same class, but compiler keeps hitting me on the head with:

1059 Property is readonly
1178: Attempted access of inaccessible property gesamtBetrag through a reference with static type ImmoObject.

    public class Huhu
        private var _prop1:int;
        public function Huhu()
            prop1 = 24;

        public function get prop1():int
            return _prop1;

        private function set prop1(value:int):void
            _prop1 = value;


Am I missing something here?


  • As stated, you cannot have a private setter and a public getter. The access modifier must be the same for getter and setter.

    What you can do is only have a public getter and from within the class constructor or elsewhere you set the private variable directly:

    class Foo {
        private var _prop:int;
        public function Foo() {
            _prop = 24;
        public function get prop():int { return _prop; }

    (Note that in this case you could actually just initialize the private variable with a value, ex private _prop:int = 24.)

    You could also expose other means of changing the private variable, such as a function or a setter with a different name:

    class Foo {
        private var _prop:int;
        public function get prop():int { return _prop; }
        protected function setProp(prop:int):void {
            _prop = prop;
        protected function set propValue(value:int):int {
            _prop = value;

    Edit: To be clear, access types must match for getter/setters of properties, but you can mix private/public access of getter/setter methods, in similar style as Java:

    private prop:int;
    public getProp():int { return prop; }
    private setProp(value:int):void {
        prop = value;

    This is not as common of a style you see in AS3 because we have formal get/set property syntax, but it's still perfectly valid.